The Wildebrams Saga
The Wildebrams Saga is the continuing story of the life and relationship of Kitty Wilde and Artie Abrams stretching from the time they met, and all the way through the ups and downs of their friendship, dating life, marriage, careers, and family life. It follows Glee Cannon (more or less) up through the season 5 episode New New York, and is considered Alternate Universe (AU) after that, with the exception of the episode Opening Night, which is also accepted as cannon. The stories also heavily feature the people who were closest to them at various times in their lives.
The Wildebrams Saga currently consists of five parts:
The Wildebrams Saga 1: The Ballad of Kitty and Artie
This is a retelling of the 2012-2013 school year (seasons 4 and 5a), and will tell the story of how Kitty and Artie met and fell in love. There will be a chapter for each episode, along with several “bonus episodes”.
The Wildebrams Saga 2: New Beginnings
This story is AU and takes place during the 2013-2014 school year (overlaps season 5b) and tells what happens during Kitty’s sophomore year when she is separated from Artie and there is no Glee Club at McKinley, and Artie’s freshman year in college. With Glee Club gone our heroes are forced to find their bearings again so they can navigate the complicated waters of high school and figure out how to get their glee club back. Meanwhile Artie navigates college life and figures out what he is going to do without his love Kitty around. [ This is a rewrite of my current story A New Beginning. Because it is being changed so much, it’s going to be a totally new publication instead of an in place replacement of the older story. ]
The Wildebrams Saga 3: New New Directions
This is also AU and is more of an ensemble story. It takes place during the 2014-2015 school year (overlaps season 6). Thanks to the efforts of Kitty, Mr. Schue, and the other season 4 newbies, Glee Club is back at McKinley and they have one year to demonstrate the validity of the program or its gone for good. Both sets of newbies (Season 4 and 6) band together, with a few other familiar faces to compete for the National Show Choir title. Along the way they will continue the tradition of weekly glee club lessons and have plenty of drama along the way. I’m hoping to recreate the drama and sense of urgency of season 1. Unlike the show itself, during season 4, I want to really focus on the current gee club members themselves. We will assume that the alumni are off in the world pursuing their dreams and will only be occasionally mentioned, and only seen if the story really calls for it. [ I had originally intended this to be the later chapters of A New Beginning, but the more I thought about it the more apparent it was that it deserved to be a separate story. ]
The Wildebrams Saga 4: Wedding Song
This story is also AU and takes place 2 years after New New Directions. Artie is about to graduate from college and Kitty is finishing up her sophomore year (Spring/Summer of 2017). Four years after they began dating, Kitty and Artie prepare to take the next step in their relationship and Artie is offered a tempting opportunity. As the title implies, this story will include the wedding of Kitty Wilde to Artie Abrams.
The Wildebrams Saga 5: Homecoming
Ten years after the original glee kids graduated (2022), Mr Schue holds an All Glee Club reunion. Kitty, Artie, and the rest of the alumni return to McKinley and catch up on where they are in life.
At the current time, this is where I intend the saga to end, burn who knows what might happen in the future.