[ FANFIC ] Quartie One Shots and Teasers 2: Quinn’s Apology

Quartie One Shots and Teasers
Chapter 02: Quinn’s Appology
By Wilde Abrams

Author’s Notes:  The following is an excerpt from my story The Wildeabrams Season Six (Ch 20: Confused). I am including it here because I know that not all of my readers read both Quartie and Wildebrams, so more people will see it here. 

This scene takes place after the Brittana/Klaine wedding (yes, Quinn was there in my version), where Quinn and Artie got together a couple days later, to catch up; and Quinn feels the need to give him an explanation/Apology for how she treated him after the events at the skatepark in the episode Big Brother. Unfortunately RIB never cared enough about their friendship to give us a scene like this and we are just expected to assume that they made up.


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[ ANNOUNCEMENT ] Introducing #WildebramsWednesdays

Starting today and for the forseeable future I will be promoting my favorite ship by posting a link to a new or favorite #Wildebrams story on my Twitter @WildeAbrams

Some weeks it will be one of my stories/chapters, either new or legacy. Other times it will be a deserving one by another author. Stories may be on fanfiction.net. Tumblr.com, wattpad.com, AO3, LiveJournal, or another blog or website. 

Please support these stories or authors by retweeting and reviewing their work. 

If you would like to participate, please post your own favorites using the hashtag #WildrbramsWednesdays or submit them to me. 

[ FANFIC ] A Wildebrams Proposal (alt version)

[ FANFIC ] A Wildebrams Proposal (alt version)

The following is an alternate version of a Wildebrams proposal written for Dreams Come True back in late 2015/early 2016. Unfortunately it will not make it into the story in this form, but I loved it so I am publishing it here for you to read anyway. Enjoy!

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[ FANFIC ] Kitty and Artie at Their Apartment (DCT)

[ FANFIC ] Kitty and Artie at Their Apartment (DCT)

Author’s Notes: The following is a curte scene that I originally wrote for the flash forward part of Dreams Come True in The Wildeabrams Season Six.  It no longer fits with my vizion for that story, and therefore won’t be included, but I’m including it here because some of you may find it cute.

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